Saturday, February 21, 2009

Jeff Fisher in Yakima

Last night I attended the Yakima Ad Club event in Yakima where Jeff Fisher was the guest speaker. Jeff specializes in graphic identity solutions and is also a writer, consultant, and so on. It was a fun and informational time, with plenty of good networking opportunities. I'd recommend the next event that they put on to anyone in the cental/southeastern Washington.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


One of the things that really enjoy are podcasts from Graphic Designers for other Graphic Designers. A good podcast is a wonderful thing, and all to often they disappear, no longer to be updated. Two podcasts that I would recommend for designers is A) The Design Guy, and podcast about the principles of design, and B) Freelance Radio with John Brougher, Kristen Fischer, Dickie Adams and Von Glitschka, which goes over issues that freelancers may face. There are many good resources out there for designers.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

And so it begins

Funny how these things begin...

I'm a 25 year old graphic designer, who is happily married to a person who loves to blog. She's been rubbing off on me! And since I also enjoy reading other designers' blogs, I figured it was probably time to start one of my own. This blog won't necessarily always be about design, or whatever, but I hope it it's always interesting.

About the name...

A friend from college overheard two of our instructors talking in the lab one day. Names have been changed to protect the innocent, but it went something like this. Ted: "Hey Phil, I dreamt about kerning again last night..." Phil: "Again?" Taking this concept, my friend created a t-shirt design spoofing Lichtenstein for the graphic design club. It was and is a wonderful graphic design joke.